Key in Min/Max function in Python

So I was browsing TensorFlow doc on the Dataset API, when I stumbled across something which eventually led me to learn this:

You can pass a key function(or a lambda) to the min/max function in Python.

Here is a sweet example:

def sumDigit(num):
    sum = 0
        sum += num % 10
        num = int(num / 10)
    return sum

# using min(arg1, arg2, *args, key)
print('Minimum is:', min(100, 321, 267, 59, 40, key=sumDigit))

# using min(iterable, key)
num = [15, 300, 2700, 821, 52, 10, 6]
print('Minimum is:', min(num, key=sumDigit))

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